4+1 Program

Integrated BSHS/MPH in Environmental Health

The Integrated 4+1 Master of Public Health in Environmental Health allows undergraduate students to graduate with both a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Health Sciences degree from the University of Minnesota Rochester and a Master of Public Health (MPH) degree from the University of Minnesota in five years. 

The program is intended for highly motivated undergraduate students interested in investigating health hazards in our environment, protecting worker health and establishing the basis for public health policy. The program offers individual faculty attention, outstanding courses and abundant opportunities for students to get direct practical experience in Environmental Health through fieldwork in local and state government, industry and community organizations.

The 4+1 MPH in Environmental Health planning guide developed by UMR’s Student Success Coaches is an excellent resource to consult as you prepare for this accelerated program.

Visit the School of Public Health website to learn more details about the program, application process, costs and career opportunities.

Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]